Patient Participation Group (PPG) & Patient Survey Results 2019/20
The practice has always had a proactive Patient Link Person, who has worked closely with us for a number of years. The purpose of this is to assist us in understanding the views of our patients and in helping us to continually make improvements to the quality of service that we provide. During the latter part of 2019 it was decided to invite additional members of our practice population to join a Patient Participation Group (PPG) also sometimes known as the Patient Reference Group (PRG) and we have continued to invite patients on an annual basis. The process for doing this included the following:
- Displaying posters inviting patients to join our PPG
- Inviting comments through a number of mediums, i.e. face to face, written comments in the comments/communications box, via e-mail and/or telephone
- Continuing to liaise with our Link Person/PPG Chair
Following the establishment of the PPG we agreed to carry out a practice based patient survey, which would cover at least 1% of our list size. This initial survey set a benchmark in which the practice could measure the views of the population that we serve. This survey has been carried out each year and was repeated in 2019 so that comparisons can be made. The total number of surveys completed this time represented 1.5% of our practice population. This internal survey is in addition to the National Patient Survey and the Friends and Family Test (FFT) however, the findings of each are used to inform the way in which we provide our services. The results of the full internal survey are below and are presented in graphical form with a written explanation for ease of reference. Copies of the PPG meeting notes can also be viewed using the link below.